A quality control scale is typically used to help ensure that a product is being produced consistently at a set weight or number of pieces.
Quality control is an ongoing process that touches everything from purchasing to manufacturing and distribution. Usually, a high-performance weighing or counting scale is an essential component of this process. A quality control scale is typically used to help ensure that a product is being produced consistently at a set weight or number of pieces. Products delivered in an underweight state or below count could lead to customer complaints, expensive efforts to correct the order, possible legal and regulatory actions, and the risk to any ISO, Guide 17025, and food safety certifications. Usually, manufacturer overfill to prevent any underfill. While the goal of ensuring at or above product weight or count is admirable, this cautious approach can come at a cost. Consider these two examples for integrating weight data into quality!
Peanut Butter
A jar of peanut butter has a state weight of around 16 ounces. This company hasn’t integrated a high-performance scale system into its current quality control program. As a result, they fill to about 17 ounces, 1 ounce over the stated package weight, to ensure they’re not underweight. What is the cost of this overfill, then? Conversely, a high-accuracy and high-precision scale integrated into the manufacturer’s quality control system would allow the manufacturer to consistently and efficiently deliver exactly 16 ounces in each jar without overfilling it. The losses noted then become savings, and savings that quickly pay back the scale investment and begin producing ROI.
A hardware manufacturer produces a package of fasteners containing around 1,000 pieces. Due to inaccurate, lower-performance scale systems, every pack is overfilled with 1,001 pieces. What is the cost of that one extra piece that is added? Again, a high-accuracy, high-precision scale integrated into a quality control system would allow the manufacturer to consistently deliver around 1,000 pieces in every pack without overfilling, and the losses would become savings.
Since 1956, The Scale People have earned a reputation as the best service provider for calibrating and repairing weighing equipment in the mid-Atlantic area. Our sales team can help you to find the best weighing equipment for your application. We currently have offices in Columbia, MD, and Newport News, VA, but we offer our services nationwide. Over the years, we have built many satisfied clients from various industries, including pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and government manufacturing. We are a fully ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited service company offering calibration for balances, scales, dynamometers, force measurements, test weights, pipettes, and more. All our services have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We’re only a phone call away at +1 (800) 451-9593. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to learn more about our work.