Mass metrology is the system of measurements behind mass comparators.
Measurements are fundamental for helping people determine the state of an object and what to do with it. Without measurements, it is impossible to improve anything, according to Lord Kelvin. Mass metrology is a subset of metrology pertaining to the measurements of masses and their applicable devices. Below is a brief overview on the subject. If you are looking for mass metrology measurement devices, The Scale People can help you find the best.
Metrology is the study of measurements, literally coming from the Greek “metro” for “measurements” and “-ology” for “the study of.” There are multiple fundamental objects that one can measure that never change in the universe, such as distance, mass, and speed. One can always measure these units with a consistent form of measurement. Metrology is the study of these fundamental measurements and their applications.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was founded in 1901 and falls under the U.S. Department of Commerce. NIST is one of the nation’s oldest physical science laboratories.
The NIST Mission: ”To promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.” .
Per the description on nist.gov: The NIST Quality System for Measurement Services is based on the ISO/IEC 17025 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories) and includes the requirements of ISO 17034 (General requirements for the competence of reference material producers), ISO/IEC 17043 (General requirements for proficiency testing) and ISO/TS 8000 (Data quality) as they apply to the various measurement services that NIST delivers.
Mass Metrology
Thus, mass metrology is the study of the measurement of mass and its applications. Mass is an essential component of the world’s economic flow, as the weight of a product determines its quality and price. Mass metrology applies to food manufacturing, agricultural, pharmaceutical, and many other industries. By using NIST Certified Weights, all calibrations are consistent and traceability can be provided.
Mass Metrology Devices
Common instruments for measuring mass include mass comparators. The Scale People specializes in the distributing, calibrating, and repairing of balances and scales and is happy to be of service to you.
Since 1956, The Scale People have earned a reputation as the finest service provider for calibration and repairs of weighing equipment in the mid-Atlantic area. Our sales team can help work with you to find the best weighing equipment for your application. We currently have offices in Columbia, MD, and Newport News, VA, but we offer our services nationwide. Over the years, we have built up a long list of satisfied clients from a wide variety of industries, including pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and government manufacturing. We are a fully ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited service company offering calibration for balances, scales, dynamometers, force measurement, test weights pipettes, and more. All of our services have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We’re only a phone call away at +1 (800) 451-9593. To learn more about what we do, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.